Hey darlin’,
You may be asking yourself, who’s the woman behind the coy smile?
I’m Savannah, and I’m delighted that our paths have finally crossed.
I’m sincerely and unapologetically myself. What you see is what you get— and more if you play your cards right. I’m a bit of an enigma, I’m told, simultaneously epitomizing refined charm & grace and a warm, free-spirited worldliness & depth that is captivating. If nothing else, I’m attentive and sincere, providing you with a nonjudgmental and caring space for us to explore and enjoy one another. My smile and vivacious nature are incredibly contagious if you haven’t already noticed.
Born and raised deep in the heart of Texas, I was blessed with a rather simple, uncomplicated life backdropped by rodeos, country music, and wide-open spaces. I chased my dreams into the Rocky Mountains and fell deeply in love with Colorado and the great outdoors as I pursued an education in social work. After a time, something dawned on me… my skills could translate well into other fields. A leap of faith led me to the world of companionship, where I’m able to curate fulfilling and genuine experiences with empathy, compassion, and mindfulness as my guiding principles.
The desire to live a cowgirl lifestyle never left me, and it’s soaked into the very marrow of my being. When I’m not at training at the barn, you can find me listening to oldies on my record player, organizing with my activist community, blazing a new trail in the mountains, or adding a stamp to my passport, when travel is accessible – I’ve seen 19 countries and counting!
My love for decades past is evident in my flair — vintage finds, Wranglers, boots, and flower child aesthetics express my style. Dressed up or dressed down, my vibrant energy and elegance shine through.
2 hours - $1,500 3 hours - $2000 4 hours - $2,500 6 hours - $3,000 8 hours - $4,000 Overnight (16 hours) - $4,500 24 hours - $6,000 48 hours - $8,000 The Weekend - $10,000 In Date Extension / $500 per Hour